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Max and the Opera House Ghost

I've been working on a very exciting project for the last few illustrate a novel by my very close friend James' called Max and the Opera House Ghost.  Currently the book is available on Amazon exclusively and It only cost US$2.99. So thrilled to know that its only been two days since the book went on sale and we are already on top of the chart! ( Aus. & Oceania. ) 

Please grab a copy if you have Kindle that is, as the book is only available on digital format at this stage. 
Some of the characters are pursuing various form of artistic career in the book and I think if you are an artist, writer or actor yourself then you can totally relate to some of the stuff they say or do in the novel...And for those of you who aren't, it still is a great holiday read and worth checking out. 

Here are some of the images from the book...and yes, they aren't my usual dot drawings either! 
Follow James on Twitter here


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for leaving a comment! Hope you have grabbed a copy of the book as well...:)
