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Season's greetings

Here we are! The last Sunday of the year.... I must admit there is a part of me going, * Thank God it's over*. 2012 was a funny year for me, I can't say I was productive or even creative, of couse you can't be creative all the time but this year was particularly slow, and I  had moments where I was just staring at blank paper for a very longtime, not being able to draw anything at all. Anyway, I think my hibernating period is almost over, there are a few exhibitions coming up next year so I better stop rambling and start working on new ideas! 
Oh, and I have an important news to share, the novel by James.G.Stevenson Max and the Opera House Ghost now has its own blog, so please check it out. James only just began blogging about Max, but it is interesting to see how both novel and blog will develop in the future...

I just like to thank you all for visiting my blog and leaving lovely comments about my works, I really appreciated. I'll try my best to post more frequently in 2013! ( Yes, it is definitely one of my new year's resolutions!)

Have a safe & wonderful holidays xx 


Max and the Opera House Ghost

I've been working on a very exciting project for the last few illustrate a novel by my very close friend James' called Max and the Opera House Ghost.  Currently the book is available on Amazon exclusively and It only cost US$2.99. So thrilled to know that its only been two days since the book went on sale and we are already on top of the chart! ( Aus. & Oceania. ) 

Please grab a copy if you have Kindle that is, as the book is only available on digital format at this stage. 
Some of the characters are pursuing various form of artistic career in the book and I think if you are an artist, writer or actor yourself then you can totally relate to some of the stuff they say or do in the novel...And for those of you who aren't, it still is a great holiday read and worth checking out. 

Here are some of the images from the book...and yes, they aren't my usual dot drawings either! 
Follow James on Twitter here


shadow play

May be I'm spending way too much time looking a the shadows of my pot plants. I'm obsessively doodling little greens and flowers at the moment. 


Spring, are you here yet?

 Just finished drawing yet another flower picture. Inspired by the pot of is nice having a piece of Spring inside the house. :)
Oh, I'm so ready for warmer weather...How about you? 



Real ones and my version of poppies...with the little creatures, of course...!


Wind picked up

I was watching weather report on TV last night and the reporter was warning about the strong wind for today. Then I thought of posting this image, HOW. APPROPRIATE.


rain, rain

Hi there!

This is something I just finished drawing...inspired by the gray sky and colourful umbrellas on the streets...  Stay warm and dry, Sydney siders! 



Hello there, 

Thank you for visiting my blog despite the fact I haven't really posted anything here lately! 

Just for the record, I am still creating works, but have not been active in terms of organising exhibitions and I must admit that I've been feeling a bit like this little guy, not the one with the big fluffy head, but the other one that's behind him. A bit confused and not really sure where I'm going. 

Hopefully I can share something exciting with you in my next post, Perhaps an exhibition announcement...? Til then! 


Yen Young Australian Art Award invite

Can't believe this is happening next week, time flies. You do need to RSVP at but please come along if you are free next Thursday night... I'm very much looking forward to this event! 


New paints

I think it was a couple of weeks ago when I received Winsor & Newton's Artist's acrylic tube set. This lovely gift was a part of the Yen magazine art competition. I don't usually use acrylic for my illustrations so the box of paints remain untouched and unopened for a while. However, my boyfriend's birthday is coming up very soon and instead of buying a birthday card for the occasion,  I thought it's a great opportunity to open the box and play with my new acrylic paints...well, I just used ultramarine but anyway, here is the results. Hope he'll like it. 

Thank you Yen magazine and Winsor & Newton for the paints!


illustrations for "Hometown Dress"

Last year, my very talented friend  Jess asked me to create artwork for her up coming album. And just the other day she gave me a copy of her new CD... ! It feels a bit surreal and so exciting at the same time to see my illustrations transformed into a tiny square box containing a CD.

I'm just loving her songs and this cd will remain in my stereo for a very long time, I think...! 


Yen Magazine

 I've just received an exciting email from Yen Magazine.....I've been selected as one of the 20 finalists in the Toni&Guy Yen Young Australian Art Award! Here for more details. I'll post formal invite once I get them x