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Artfuly presents - A Digital Discovery of New Original Art

An exciting new group exhibition to celebrate Artfuly's one year anniversary! It will be held  at Zigi's on 12/7/2014. Opening starts from 5:30 through until midnight. Would be wonderful if you can come along, it is open to anyone, of course! 

Artfuly's Facebook page is here, you can find more about this event by simply click 
"up coming events" located under Photo section on left column. The title of the this show is called A digital discovery of new original art.


A flower tabby

One of the recent commissioned work. A cat with iris flowers. 
I've been posting a few other recent works on my Facebook page  too, have you seen them yet? 


Recent exhibition and thoughts on reproducing works.

I feel like I have been neglecting this space for a while since I have started Face Book page (if you haven't already, please check it.)

So let's catch up. Here's a couple of images from my recent group exhibition "Black and While"at cute little store in Surry Hills called Somedays which closed two weeks ago. Thank you for those who came to the show! 

Now, the topic is going to jump a bit here but lately I am getting quite a lot of people asking me if I do prints or potentially re-producing specific work/s that I've done in the past. I must admit I have always been hesitant about reproducing my illustrations as prints or postcards, (I know there are many artists out there doing it and I've got absolutely nothing against it, its just me, I'm just stubborn about "one - off" artworks.) but who knows, lately I am having second thought about doing prints or I should say the idea of transforming my art into other forms / objects. If that's the way to reach wide  range of audiences I may try that in near future...


Put a crown on it

A recent commissioned work. Client requested a ink drawing with deer, fox, owl and cherry blossoms and here it is! I came up with the idea of drawing some hippie at heart foxes with flowers on their heads...


Spread the love for little creatures...!

I  now have a Facebook page dedicated to my illustrations! You can find it here, it's a brand new page only been up since last night.  I'm aiming/ hoping to up date all the things relating to my art there regularly. So please visit the page if you get a chance.  ( and "like" it too! ) 

Also I am involved in another pop up exhibition titled "Black and White" presented by Artfuly at funky Somedays store in Surryhills, SydneyOpening night is on Thursday 27th Feb from 6pm onwards. Come along if you are in the area! 


Bits and pieces #3

From top: Butterflies, lion and I // Here we go! // Traveling on our fancy boat

This is the last snapshot from my previous exhibition at Children's Hospital. I had 40 pieces and half were watercolour and ink, the others were b/w. 

Thank you so much for those who came to the show, I had lots of positive feedback during this exhibition and I really hope children staying at the hospital didn't mind seeing my doodles on the wall for two whole months! 

As I mentioned in my previous post, the next exhibition opens this Saturday 15th at Zigi's Art wine and cheese bar.  Come and say hi if you are in town! 

More info about Artfuly Pop Up exhibition here and to book for the Opening night events here


Pop Up exhibition presented by Artfuly

Artfuly has kindly invited me to their second Sydney pop up exhibition coming up in February. 

Details are below, please swing by and say hi if you are in the area, it would be so lovely to see you there.  

Venue: Zigi's Art wine and cheese bar - 86 Abercrombie St, Teggs Ln, Chippendale NSW 2008.  You can find out about the venue hereFor more details about artists involved in this exhibition here

Date :  Saturday 15. 2. 2014 

Time : 6pm - 9pm EST

** If you are planning on coming to the Opening, please RSVP here, The group show I am in is called " The Diversity of Australian Contemporary Art with live Aboriginal painting". You just need to simply click orange "attend" button on right hand side and it will takes you to the next step. 


bits and pieces #2

A couple of more images from the exhibition  Sunny Side Up. 

Top: A night on Blue island, bottom : where the big cat sleeps 


Bits and pieces #1

Jungle -  One of the works from my current exhibition at the Children's hospital. 


Thank you

Happy 2014!  Thank you so much for your support and lovely feedback on my works throughout last year! This year's goal is to fill this little blog space with lots of new works and exhibition updates.
Also my exhibition at Sydney Children's Hospital in Randwick is still on until 7th February so come along if you are in the area. :)